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*MATE, PUPNAT - Sanja and I love to go to Mate for great food, wine, and peace. The menu is creative and serves local dishes you won't find elsewhere. The people are lovely and, yes, I do wish I was there now.

GRUBINAC, ZRNOVO - picture the Mediterranean and then picture Grubinac. Lovely dining terraces surrounded by olive trees, old stone walls high enough to fall from but not get injured, a view of the sun going down over Peljesac peninsula... You get the picture. Nice family run business.

MASLINA, EN ROUTE TO LUMBARDA - Can you imagine the owner of a restaurant picking you up and two of your friends in the middle of the winter and then driving you home again after a beautiful meal of fish, figs, and fine wine? That's Maslina. Warm people who cook a variety of dishes not found elsewhere.

ZURE, LUMBARDA - whatever you do, don't ask for the sipak liquor. Or at least don't ask for it with a Canadian accent. Things can get embarrassing (see Croatian dictionary, section, body parts, or another name for an idiot). Actually, whatever you do, make sure you do ask for sipak liquor and take a couple bottles home with you if supplies are kind. They make a fantastic pomegranate alcohol, and it's so red. Apart from homemade inebriants, Zure offers some of the best seafood that we've had (not including those great oyster restaurants in Ston, but I digress). Again, great people whom you'd rather invite to sit with you than order from.